Birsa Munda Agricultural Revolution Scheme
Objectives of the Scheme :
To raise the standard of living of Scheduled Tribe farmers in the district by increasing their income and making them self-sufficient.
Under Birsa Munda Krishi Kranti Yojana (In-Area / Out-of-Area) Beneficiaries will receive a new well amount of Rs. 4,00,000/- old well repair amount Rs. 100,000/- or plastic lining of farm Rs. 2,00,000/- out of which the benefit of single component shall be admissible, electricity connection for pump sets with each component amounting to Rs. 20,000/- Drip Irrigation Set Amount Rs.97,000/- or Frost Irrigation Set Amount Rs. 47,000/- Pump Set) Diesel/Electricity (40,000/- PVC Pipe 50,000/- Parsbagh-5000/- will be given the package.
- Beneficiary should be Scheduled Tribe farmer. -The farmer should have the caste certificate issued by the competent authority. 3. 7/12 land holding certificate and copy of 8-A must be in the name of farmers. - Beneficiaries must have Aadhaar card. Beneficiaries should have a bank account and the said bank account must be linked to Aadhaar card. -Minimum 0.40 hectaresfor new wells and minimum 0.20 hectaresfor other projects excluding new wells. Area must be and maximum area for all objects under the scheme. The limit will remain 6.00 hectares of agricultural land. - Beneficiary under the said scheme will be paid the benefit of one component either new well, repair of old well or plastic lining of the farm.
How To Apply
To avail the scheme:
For availing the scheme, Maha-DBT Portal URL is
Select the Farmer Scheme option on this website,Contact the Agriculture Officer of your respective Panchayat Samiti to know more information about the scheme presented.